Consultation cardiology

  1. Which diseases are treated by the cardiologist?
  2. How to prepare the consultation
  3. What happens during the consultation

1. Which diseases are treated by the cardiologist?     

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major causes of death among patients in industrialized countries and their incidence is increasing in developing countries.

The cardiologist activity is based on more and more specific tests and he has an effective therapeutic arsenal to treat patients optimally.

In Western countries, the most common cardiovascular disease is the coronary artery disease, responsible for angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. In Sub-Saharan Africa, stroke (AVC) and myocardial infarction are primarily the result of hypertension.

Major cardiovascular diseases

Coronary disease (arteries of the heart)
  • Angina (or angina pectoris)
  • Myocardial infarction
Diseases of the heart muscle
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Myocarditis
  • Heart failure
Diseases of the heart valves
  • Endocarditis
  • Valvular diseases
Diseases of the pericardium
  • Péricarditis
Diseases of heart rate or cardiac conduction
  • Syncope of cardiovascular origin
  • Disorders of cardiac conduction
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
Vessel diseases
  • Aneurysms
  • Occlusive arterial disease of lower limbs
Other diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Cardiac tumors

2. How to prepare the consultation     

Consultation in cardiology is usually offered by your doctor or may be recommended as part of a routine assessment.

In preparation for the consultation in cardiology at the Cabinet Medical Cardice, it is necessary to gather information concerning personal details, the medical treatment usually followed and drug history.

Personal details
  • Familly history of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Bring the results of blood tests
  • Bring the resume of medical check-ups in you have
Past Medical History
  • List the drugs that are routinely prescribed
  • Give the drug history
Others information
  • Your doctor's name and contact
  • Provide a vignette (if you subscribe to a Belgium mutual) to benefit from the third party

3. What happens during the consultation     

The consultation always starts with an anamnesis (taking history) followed by a clinical examination and if necessary, by carrying out specialized tests such as electrocardiogram, echocardiography, stess test, the 24 hours Holter ECG, ambulant monitoring of blood pressure (MAP).

When appropriate, the cardiologist may have to offer other tests in hospital such as cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography or electrophysiology study. These reviews may eventually lead to a therapeutic (coronary angioplasty, electrophysiological ablation, placement of a pace-maker ...)

The cardiologist writes a consultation report and sents it to your doctor.